What We Do
We help you to manage your risk and protect your value
Every business and organisation has a specific and unique information security risk profile. We help define and implement a security posture appropriate to your risk appetite within an increasingly unpredictable cyber threat landscape
With a pragmatic business driven approach, supported by a realistic view on effective cyber security implementations, we support achievable outcomes at strategic, tactical, operational & governance levels
We bring value by protecting value
strategic review of critical information assets within the context of the business goals and objectives
tactically align information infrastructures, processes, resources, accountability and governance with strategic objectives
operationally assure the correct implementation of people, process and technology
We assist with steering you through your governance and regulatory requirements. We assist with implementing policies and procedures through transformative strategies that are relevant to you
We provide impactful generic and tailored cyber security awareness programmes with presentations, workshops and talks to facilitate the up-skill and empowerment of your staff to take responsibility for and be advocates of secure behaviours and practices.
Compliance for Telecoms and Broadband Providers
UK Telecoms and broadband providers of all sizes are now legally subject to the requirements of the Telecommunications (Security) Act 2021 (TSA). Further information on TSA Compliance or download the white paper below